Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified
as follows:
a. Conformance inspection (see 4.2).
Conformance inspections. Conformance inspections shall include the examination of
4.2.1 and the tests of 4.3.1 through 4.4.4.
4.2.1 Inspection lot. A lot shall consist of coated samples of approximately the same size,
shape, material type, and class of coating, coated in the same production run. In the case of short
production runs, a lot for inspection purposes may be made up of a group of small lots covering
orders of parts similar in size and shape and coated under similar conditions. Lot size shall not
exceed normal production run capability. Sample for thickness and adhesion. A random sample of two specimens shall be taken
from each inspection lot or a minimum of two test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with
4.3 to represent the inspection lot. Sample for corrosion resistance. A random sample of two specimens shall be taken
from the designated inspection lot at a minimum of once per month or two test specimens shall be
prepared in accordance with 4.3 to represent the inspection lot. Failure of any sample shall
require random sampling for five consecutive inspection lots (see 4.2.1) without failure. Sample for base metal integrity. When the base metal is aluminum, two random
samples shall be taken from each inspection lot.
4.3 Test specimens. When the coated parts are of such form or material as to not readily
adaptable to a test specified herein, or for destructive tests, or for sampling of small lot sizes, test
specimens shall be tested instead. Test specimens shall be introduced into a lot at regular intervals
at the cleaning operation preliminary to the coating and shall not be separated from the lot until
after completion of the processing. Conditions affecting the coating of the specimens, including
the spacing and positioning with respect to coating source and to other objects being coated, shall
correspond as nearly as possible to those affecting the significant surfaces of the specimens
4.3.1 Adhesion test samples Steel parts. In accordance with AMS 6350 or equivalent, use metal strips approximately
1 inch by 4 inches by 0.040 inch made of 4130 steel for steel parts. Titanium parts. In accordance with MIL-T-9046 or equivalent, use metal strips
approximately 1 inch by 4 inches by 0.040 inch made of Ti-6Al-4V for titanium parts.