tests for those materials are necessary to ensure performance of the coating system. To ensure process robustness, a test for salts shall be performed periodically. The frequency for this testing shall be agreed upon between the applicator and the procuring authority to provide OQE for the process. Use SSPC- Guide 15 to determine salt contamination. The maximum allowable levels of chloride shall be measured by the adhesive patch/conductivity meter method. Currently the adhesive patch requirements are 3 μg/cm2 for tanks and immersed surfaces and 5 μg/cm2 for topside and non-immersed surfaces. Similarly, the conductivity requirements are 30 μS/cm for immersed surfaces and 70 μS/cm for non-immersed applications. Removal of weld by-products. All weld slag/flux residues shall be removed. Weld spatter shall be removed from all surfaces exposed to beyond normal view in the end item configuration. If the weld spatter has been overcoated with a zinc or zinc alloy deposit, removal of the spatter is not required unless there are functional or cosmetic concerns. The method or combination of methods used shall be selected to suit the properties of the metal, the type of soil and the degree of contamination present. Surface cleaning methods V or VI shall not be used on steels with HRC greater than 39 unless test data can substantiate that the combined chemical cleaning or phosphoric acid cleaning and subsequent coating pretreatments are not detrimental to the steels being treated. Ferrous materials harder than HRC
39 shall not be chemically etched or chemically derusted unless the coating material and process performed has been preapproved during the approval process described in 3.2 and are tested in accordance with ASTM F519 at an ISO 9000/17025 certified laboratory a minimum of every 120 days for OQE that the treated substrates are not compromised.
3.3.2 Rinsing. Adequate rinsing shall be performed following any chemical process to remove residual material remaining from the cleaning operation. Special care shall be exercised in rinsing complex shapes to prevent contamination of any subsequent cleaning or coating process. Rinse water in a cleaning or pretreatment system that is reused or recycled shall be monitored for contaminants and controlled in accordance with the technical requirements of the material supplier (see 4.7.4 and Drying. Care shall be exercised to ensure complete drying in crevices, seams, or other difficult to dry places prior to painting.
3.3.3 Cleaning methods. Method I - mechanical or abrasive cleaning; sanding, grinding, in accordance with SSPC
standards. Abrasive blast cleaning shall be in accordance with the minimum requirements for SSPC-SP
10/NACE No. 2 near-white metal cleanliness unless otherwise specified by contract or the technical data package. Method I shall always be preceded by cleaning methods II, III, IV, VI, or VII, whichever is most appropriate for the application, to assure the substrate is water-break free clean. Using clean water, for example, distilled, deionized, Reverse Osmosis (RO) purified or filtered water in an atomizing sprayer works well in this method and method II for determining the results as described in The blast media and maintenance of the abrasive blasting system shall be such that a consistent surface
profile is maintained throughout the process and subsequent abrasive blast cleaning. Surface profile measurements shall not exceed the recommended range for the coating system applied. If not specifically regulated by the coating system specification, the surface profile requirement shall be specified by the coating manufacturer so as to maintain the performance for coating adhesion and corrosion resistance. Ferrous media or media contaminated with ferrous spoils from previous abrasive blasting shall not be used on non-ferrous metallic substrates. Sanding and grinding to remove scale and rust shall also be preceded by the aforementioned cleaning methods contained herein. Cleanliness shall
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